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Pidato B.inggris perpisahan smp

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb and good
day to everyone…
With all due the respect to the
honorable Mr. Principal, to the
honorable Mr. and Mrs. Teachers,
and to my dearest friends and
companions attending.
First of all, let’s say our praise and
gratitude to God the One and
Almighty because of all His grace
and blessing today so that we all
can gather at here altogether in
order to hold school farewell
To all the honorable audience,
please allow me to say a few words
about this farewell ceremony.
During our school days, we all as
students are so thankful and proud
of all teachers who have taught us
all this time at this school, those
teachers who have taught us very
well, never treated us differently for
each other, and been very patient
and indefatigable in teaching and
guiding us all along. Due to all the
exertions and efforts of all teachers,
we finally are able to graduate from
this school. I wish that every teacher
at this school will be always granted
good health and happiness.
And for all my friends… It is really
tough to leave you all. We have been
going through our days altogether
for this 3 years in this beloved
school. However, I will always keep
praying for us all so that we all can
continue our education to higher
level in order to get all the goals we
have been dreaming of all this time.
I wish that each of us will never
forget all the good memories we had
together in this school for our life
time. As the time goes on, the
memories remain.
I think that’s all I would like to say
about our farewell ceremony. I wish
that all of us can find the success in
the future wherever we are. My
prayers are for you all, my friends.
Please, forgive me for every mistake
on my words. Thank you for the
attention. Last words…
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb


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